Process theology is theopoetics, that is, a theology of perichoresis (of the mutual coinherence of all things) in which the universe represents God’s creative adventure and God the event of creative transformation of the world. It is within the net of interwovenness—the process itself—that God appears as the “poet of the world,” as its surprising creator (the ground of its novelty), its compassionate companion (the ground of its interwoven nature), and its saving radiance (the ground of its harmony).
- R. Faber, God as Poet of the World: Exploring Process Theologies (Louisville: WJK, 2008), p. 15
Eco-Process Theology
Converse to the anthropic residue of current ecotheologies, an ecoprocess theology, based on Whitehead’s cosmology (and aesthetics) of intensity and harmony, combines the functional resonance (instead of “identity” or “equality”) within the ecoprocess with an anthropic indeterminacy, i.e., its freedom from “essential” determination that is either anthropic in nature or anti-anthropic. It was Whitehead's insight that, if the ecoprocess is inclusive of humanity but not in any way necessarily directed towards its emergence or sustenance, it also is free to express the intrinsic value of any creative event of ecological togetherness. This insight also freed Whitehead from the restrictions of a metaphoric for God that must name and satisfy human interests.
- R. Faber, “Ecotheology, Ecoprocess, and Ecotheosis: A Theopoetical Intervention,” in Salzburger Zeitschrift für Theologie 12/1 (2008), p. 95.