Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Roland Faber
Roland Faber is the Kilsby Family/John B. Cobb, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Process Studies at Claremont School of Theology, the Founder of the Whitehead Research Project, and Co-Director of the Center for Process Studies. Research and publications encompass the fields of Whitehead's philosophy, Process Philosophy and Process Theology; (De)Constructive Theology; Poststructuralism (Gilles Deleuze); Transreligious Discourse (epistemology of Religious Relativity and Unity) and interreligious applications (e.g., Christianity, Buddhism, Bahá'í Faith); Comparative Philosophy and Mysticism (Meister Eckhart, Nicolas of Cusa, Ibn ‘Arabi), and Theopoetics (an approach to post-structuralist and process theology, which addresses the liberating necessity of multiplicity). His publications include God as Poet of the World (2008), The Divine Manifold (2014), The Becoming of God (2017), The Garden of Reality (2018), The Ocean of God (2019), Depths As Yet Unspoken (2020), The Cosmic Spirit (Cascade, 2021), Divine Appearances (2022), The Mind of Whitehead (2023).
- Announced Professor Emeritus.
- Retired on July 1.
- Published the book The Mind of Whitehead (Pickwick, 2023).
- Published the book Divine Appearances (Kalimat, 2022).
- Published the book The Cosmic Spirit (Cascade, 2021).
- Move to Salem, Oregon.
- Published the book Depths As Yet Unspoken (Pickwick, 2020).
- Published the book Propositions in the Making (Lexington, 2020).
- Published the book The Ocean of God (Anthem, 2019).
- Published the book The Garden of Reality (Lexington, 2018).
- Published the book The Becoming of God (Wipf & Stock, 2017).
- Published the book Rethinking Whitehead’s Symbolism: Thought, Language, Culture, Roland Faber, Jeffrey A. Bell, and Joseph Petek, eds. (Edinburgh University Press, 2017)
- Chair of IRB, CST
- Published the book: Living Traditions and Universal Conviviality: Prospects and Challenges for Peace in Multireligious Communities, Roland Faber and Santiago Slabodsky, eds. (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2016).
- Organization of the Eighth International Conference of the Whitehead Research Project Conference “A Whiteheadian Laboratory: Featuring Erin Manning, Brian Massumi, and the SenseLab,” Claremont, CA, December 2016.
- [visit website]
- Chair of Faculty Policy Committee, CST.
- Published the book The Divine Manifold (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2014) [Purchase]
- Organization of the Seventh International Conference of the Whitehead Research Project Conference "Whitehead and Symbolism," Claremont, CA, December 2014. [visit website]
- Received the Fisher Faculty Teacher Award.
- Awarded prize from the International Process Network for Creative Work on Whitehead.
- Delivered keynote address on "Process, Progress and Excess: Whitehead and the Peace of Society" at the Ninth International Whitehead Conference at Krakow, Poland, September 2013.
- Organization of the Conference "Conviviality in a Multireligious Community," Claremont, CA, February 2012.
- Named Chair of the Baha'i Advisory Committee of Claremont Lincoln University.
- Delivered the keynote address at a symposium on Alfred North Whitehead at the Library of Congress. [read announcement | view presentation]
- Organization of the Fifth International Conference of The Whitehead Research Project, Claremont, CA, "Whitehead: The Next Generation." [visit website]
- Organization of the Fourth International Conference of The Whitehead Research Project, Claremont, CA, "Metaphysics and Things: New Forms of Speculative Thought." [visit website]
- Named the inaugural Kilsby Family/John B. Cobb, Jr., Professor of Process Studies. » Read Announcement
- Executive Co-Director of the Center for Process Studies, Claremont
- Organization of the Third International Conference of The Whitehead Research Project, Claremont, CA, "Becomings, Misplacements, Departures: Butler and Whitehead as Catalysts of Contemporary Thought." [visit website]
- Co-Editor of Contemporary Whitehead Series [visit website]
- Associate Editor of the New Whitehead Edition [visit website]
- Organization of the Second International Conference of The Whitehead Research Project, Claremont, CA, "Beyond Metaphysics? Transcontinental Explorations in Alfred North Whitehead's Late Thought." [visit website]
- God as Poet of the World: Exploring Process Theologies (Louisville: WJK, 2008)
- Taught graduate course at the University of Chicago Divinity School (May-June 2008) on the topic Religion and Excess: Interrogating Whitehead with Bataille
- Member of the Society for the Study of Difference
- Member of the Whitehead Metaphysical Society (Poland)
- Organization of the First International Conference of The Whitehead Research Project, Claremont, CA, "Event & Decision: Ontology & Politics in Badiou, Deleuze, and Whitehead." [visit website]
- Announce tenured Full Professor of Process Theology at the Claremont School of Theology (March 2008)
- Initiator and Executive Director of the Whitehead Research Project, Claremont
- Co-Director of the Center for Process Studies, Claremont
- Announced Faculty at the Department of Philosophy of the School of Humanities at the Claremont Graduate University
- AAR Panel and Talk on John Caputo’s book The Weakness of God
- Section Director at the 2006 Whitehead Conference at Salzburg, Austria:
- “Poststructuralism” (with Catherine Keller)
- “Christian Theology” (with Helmut Maassen)
- Announced Professor of Process Theology at the Claremont School of Theology
- Announced Professor of Religion at the Claremont Graduate University
- Second edition: Gott als Poet der Welt. Anliegen und Perspektiven der Prozesstheologie, Darmstadt (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft)
- Book: Gott als Poet der Welt. Anliegen und Perspektiven der Prozesstheologie, Darmstadt (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft)
- Editing Whitehead’s Harvard Lectures 1925/1926 from the notes of Charles Hartshorne, published in Process Studies 30/2 (2002) 301-373
- Co-Teaching a Class on Christian Eschatology in US/European Dialogue at the Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, with Prof. Joseph Bracken
- Member of the Advisory Board of the European Studies in Process Thought (ESPT)
- Prize of excellence in theology of the Kardinal-Innitzer-Fonds, Austria, for the Habilitation on process theology
- Vice-Chair of the Institute of Dogmatic Theology, University of Vienna
- Appointment “Extraordinary University Professor”
- Post-doctoral degree of “Dozent” at the catholic theological faculty, University of Vienna
- Roman venia legendi in Dogmatic Theology and the History of Christian Doctrine
- Appointment as assistant professor at the Institut of Dogmatic Theology
- Habilitation: Prozeß, Relativität und Transzendenz. Zur Kritik prozeßtheologischer Theoriegestalt (520 pp.)
- Membership at the Center for Process Studies
- Membership of the American Academy of Religion
- Erwin Schrödinger-international Research Fellowship (for 1 ½ years)
- Stay at Claremont (CST, CGU, CPS)
- Book: Der Selbsteinsatz Gottes. Zur Grundlegung einer Theologie des Leidens und der Veränderlichkeit Gottes, Würzburg
- Erwin Schrödinger-international research fellowship (for 1 ½ years)
- Stay at Claremont
- Working grant of the City of Vienna for composers
- Prize of the State of Lower Austria for composers
- Membership at the International Franz Schubert Institute (IFSI)
- PhD in (systematic) theology
- Dissertation: Der Selbst-Einsatz Gottes (620 pp)
- Book: Freiheit, Theologie und Lehramt, Innsbruck
- Prize of the State of Lower Austria for composers
- Project "Zeit.Schnitte" Sound/text-installation in Vienna and Salzburg with the Austrian writer Christoph Janacs
- Grant of the Federal Republic of Austria for composers
- Prize of the Adolf Schaerf Fonds for composers
- Prize of the State of Lower Austria for composers
- Working grant of the City of Vienna for composers
- International prize for composition of the trio basso, Colon
- Membership at the International Society for New Music (IGSM)
- Appointment to university assistant
- Membership of the Austrian Society of Philosophy of Religion
- Master in Theologie
- Master thesis: Die Neue Zukunft Gottes (273 pp)
- Appointment to scientific assistant at the University of Vienna
- Appointment as studying assistant at the University of Vienna
- Studies in Theology and Philosophy at the University of Vienna
- Born in Korneuburg, Austria