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- Astrobiology, Exo-philosophy, and Intergalactic Religion: Toward a Constructive Cosmotheology
May 5-7, 2022, Willamette University [website] - A Whiteheadian Laboratory: Featuring Erin Manning, Brian Massumi, and the SenseLab
December 1-3, 2016 [website] - Rethinking Symbolism: Whitehead and the Problems of Thought, Language, and Culture
December 4-6, 2014 [website] - Whitehead: The Next Generation
December 1-3, 2011 [website] - Metaphysics and Things: New Forms of Speculative Thought
December 2-4, 2010 [website] - Becomings, Misplacements, Departures: Butler and Whitehead as Catalysts for Contemporary Thought
December 3-5, 2009 [website] - Beyond Metaphysics? Transcontinental Explorations in Alfred North Whitehead's Late Thought
December 4-6, 2008 [website | conference report] - Event & Decision: Ontology & Politics in Badiou, Deleuze, and Whitehead
December 6-8, 2007 [website | conference report]
- Conviviality in a Multireligious Community
February 19-21, 2012 - Theopoetics and the Divine Manifold
April 22-24, 2010 [conference report] - Process Conversations I: Catherine Keller and Roland Faber
March 2-3, 2006